Thursday, September 14, 2006

World War III

Yup, its at my house.

So, the therapist was in total agreement about no meds and we now have a new Time Out system. Its hard. Keith, of course, hates it.

Dr. P assured me that it would get much worse before it gets better but he felt that this is not a serious problem and he doesn't think it will take very long for Keith to relearn what behavior is proper. He expects to see results quickly.

I hope so, I really really do.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Life just isn't fair, is it?

Caleb has had a cold for a week or so now and Sunday night I knew it was time to take him to the doctor and have his ears checked. Sure enough, he's just starting ear infections. This is only the second one he's had so I'm pretty happy with that considering by this age Keith had tubes.

Anyway, I was home with Caleb yesterday to take him to the doctor and while I could have done without all of the whining of a sick baby, I miss it today while I sit here at work.

I want to stay home with all my heart. I hate having days off because it just drives that fact home all the more. I. want. to. be. a. stay. at. home. mommy. I want to be able to be there when Keith leaves for school in addition to being there when he gets home. I want to be able to snuggle with my little man whenever I feel like it. I don't want to feel so freaking frazzled at night after I get home from work, trying to get dinner cooked and served, get the kids bathed and into bed, get lunches ready, etc. and have no time to spend playing with my kids.

We could afford for me to stay home......if we sold the house and my car. But it will never happen because my job provides our health insurance free of charge for the entire family. Lucky me, huh?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

no magic pills for us, please

In my last post, I did wish for a magic pill to help Keith's behavior. I haven't written about his appointment because I needed some time to step back and think about where to go from here.

The appointment itself was pretty good. The doctor was very nice and spent a lot of time going over family and medical history with me then spent a while examining Keith. He ordered bloodwork which we had done after the appointment and he also gave us two prescriptions. I did take the 'scripts to the pharmacy on the way home and they weren't able to fill one of them because the dosage the doctor indicated does not exist!

I called the doctors office several times the next day and left messages regarding this problem and when someone did finally call me back on Friday, it was not a pretty conversation. I was VERY irritated that they took so long to get back to me and that I was unable to get in touch with someone. *sigh*

Anyway, Brian and I had a long talk and I did a bunch of research on the 'Net and it is our personal belief that medication should be the LAST step not the first.

Keith has an appointment next week with a therapist. We're going to try that route and see what happens there for now. Everything I've read supports this route. My family, I don't think, are going to see eye to eye on this with me but this is MY kid.

And I will try to do my best for him....whatever that may be.