Tuesday, July 31, 2007

So far so good

Keith hasn't had any adverse effects from the Strattera. The first couple of days it made him pretty sleepy and upset his stomach slightly but that has stopped. It has seem to calm him down a bit. The only problem is in the evenings when it wears off you can't stand to be around him because he's SO wired and difficult. That may warrant some discussion with the doctor as to what to do about that.

In other news, I'm SO upset and saddened by Kristin's latest blog posts but I'm going to hold onto that tiny glimmer of hope for as long as I can.

Also, I spent the day in the Emergency Room with Brian yesterday. He started having stomach and back pain on Sunday afternoon and it got much worse yesterday. It seems he has a rather large kidney stone. He sees the urologist on Thursday and we're hoping to get it taken care of ASAP!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Strattera, Day One

After much discussion and much soul searching, Brian and I have decided to try Keith on some medication.

His hyperactivity is bad. He simply cannot sit still or stand still or lay still. He is in constant motion. Which interfers horribly with his ability to listen. He can't focus on what you're saying because he has to move.

So today is day one of him taking Strattera . I hope we'll hit it lucky and we'll get great results from this. If not, we'll try something else.

He understands what this medicine is for and he seems very willing to take it. I hope that continues!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Check this announcement out on Certainly Not Cool Enough to Blog !

I am sooooooooo excited for Kristin and her Beloved! Congratulations to them both!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Happy Birthday, Keith!

6 years ago at this time, I was in early labor! Hard to believe that much time has passed.

Keith's birthday party was last Sunday. Here's some pics for your viewing pleasure!

I was so proud of myself.........I decorated the cake myself!

Thursday, July 05, 2007


Hard to believe its been almost 6 months since I quit smoking! Yay me! ;-)

Now if I could just get rid of this 15 pounds I gained when I quit, I'd be happier. Why is it so easy to put on and so hard to get off?!

I get really discouraged because I'm not seeing any results. I've been walking several times a week and really trying to watch what I eat...............and nothing. I yo-yo up and down 1 pound.

We have a new babysitter. Actually it's the same babysitter from last summer. She's a flake and tends to be a bit unreliable but the boys like her and her son doesn't hit mine so we'll manage for now.

Keith's 6th birthday is coming up. Where have those 6 years gone? We still struggle with him daily. He's got an attitude that I can't get out of him and he just won't listen. I don't know how much of it is normal behavior or if it isn't at all. I don't have another 6 year old to compare him to! At this point, we're just plugging along. My plan of action is to wait until school starts again and see what his 1st grade teacher has to say about his behaviour and activity level and go from there. I'm hoping for miracles to happen with him over the summer. Keep your fingers crossed.