Friday, April 24, 2009

Just a number, right?

Brian out of the blue last night asked me if I was having a hard time with the fact that I'm turning 30 this year. No, I'm really not. He said that a mom at Keith's T-ball practice was going on and on about how she'd just turned 30. He told her 30 was nothing. He'll be 37 this July.

Okay, holy fuck, when did that happen?! I mean, I know my husband's age. And he's by no means old. Old is like 80. But 37 is only 3 years from 40. How can my husband be almost 40?

When did we grow up and how do we make it stop?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Perfect Day!

Saturday was a fantastic day! The weather was beautiful and Brian and I got to spend the day together.

We dropped the boys off at MIL's at 9am and didn't pick them up until 7pm. We went to the hospital to visit my sister and her new baby Willow. Willow is a preemie and is in the NICU but she's doing REALLY well. After that we went shopping. I needed some new clothes for work and I found some really good deals.

I also scored a Twilight/Team Edward Tote at Walmart! Best find of the day! Okay, it might be a tie between that and the book Brian and I got at Spencer's . *grin*

Friday, April 10, 2009

Umm, wow, it's April

I can't believe I haven't blogged since September! Opps!

Well, Caleb loves daycare/preschool! It's his favorite place ever to spend his day. Over the winter, he was home with Daddy Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays because Brian was laid off. Caleb wasn't sure that was a good thing but they both survived. Brian's now back to work and Caleb's back to preschool 4 days a week. He's happy!

Keith continues to do wonderful in school. His first two report cards of the year held straight A's. This last one was all A's except for one B! I couldn't ask for a smarter kid. We've been so lucky in the fact that his ADHD has not impacted his school experience much at all. I'm not looking forward to summer with this boy. Most kids can't wait for summer, right? Not Keith. He'd rather be in school, where there are things to do all day long.

Living in a very rural area, there aren't that many summertime activities for kids so he gets VERY bored.

The last couple of months, Brian and I have found ourselves in a very good place in our marriage. We've had some ROUGH ROUGH times and I truly believe they've made us stronger as a couple. During those times, I will readily admit that I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel but we kept chugging along and now we've found that light and are enjoying it very much.

In other news, I'm going to be an Aunt!! My sister, Wendy, is almost 33 weeks pregnant with her first child. She has an 11 year old stepdaughter, Harley, but this baby (Willow) will be Wendy's first. She's having a rough time. She's been at a NICU hospital for a week as of today because of Pre-eclampsia. Right now, its a day to day evaluation of her condition. The doctors are just basically waiting for the day Wendy's blood pressure starts to rise dramatically and hope that it isn't too soon. We'd all like Willow to bake a little while longer.

That's what is new in our part of the world! Hopefully it won't be so long between updates, huh? ;-)