Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Here's hoping the new year brings health and happiness to everyone!

Also, please keep baby Z in your thoughts. He's a sick sick baby right now and I'm sending all the positive thoughts I have his way.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Appointment Update

Saturday, the entire day, was horrible. I wanted to run away forever.

Keith did not get up and ready to go well. He fought over every little thing. He was a total bear. I did not give him his medicine because I wanted him to be his normal hyperactive self at the psychiatrist’s office. So he was bouncing off the walls too. Brian has no patience. He was getting pissed off at Keith and being nasty to him, so I got on Brian’s case for that. So there starts Brian and I fighting. In the midst of that, Brian tells me that I’m lucky that its not 15 year ago. Huh? He then informs me that he used to have an anger management problem and if he had been dealing with Keith at that time, he probably would have hurt Keith by now and he’s trying very hard not to get back to that point. I’m haunted by that conversation still. We did not speak the entire way to the appointment.

Keith’s appointment was at 10 am. We weren’t sure exactly how long it would take us to get there and weren’t sure exactly where the place was so left in plenty of time. We ended up being 45 minutes early. And it was 15 minutes past our appointment time before we were called in.

They had mailed us paperwork to fill out a week or so ago that we took with us. My first impression of Dr. C was meh. He started out by going over the paperwork we filled out. When he saw that Keith has been seeing Dr. N, the psychologist, he asked what we were there to see him for. I was pretty confused by that question and must have looked it. Dr. C says that he’s a psychologist and didn’t understand if we already had a psychologist, why we were seeing him. I was a bit ticked at the way he said that and explained to him that Keith’s doctor didn’t feel comfortable managing his meds anymore and referred us to this office. They set up the appointment for us and that’s about all I knew. So he figures out that he basically is doing an intake interview for the psychiatrist.

One of the questions on the papers I had to fill out was for the parents. The question was “What are you proud of?” My answer was very honest. I’m proud that we have not lost our sanity yet. Dr. C kind of chuckled at that and I told him that it was the God’s honest truth. Dr. C talked to Keith some about school, etc. During this time (15 minutes maybe), Keith was sitting on my lap. Picking at the wall. Sliding down my legs. Back on my lap. Kneeling on my lap looking at the picture on the wall. On the floor. Back on my lap on his knees facing me ducking his head down in my lap. I told him to stop and sit down. He did not. Dr. C got up and picked him up off my lap and sat him down in his desk chair. Told him he needed to sit there and asked him if he knew why. Keith said no so Dr. C told him it was because he was bugging Mommy and didn’t listen when I said stop. Keith shrugged it off and started getting into the stuff on Dr. C’s desk. I told him to Stop and like normal, he didn’t even hear me. Dr. C looked at me and said, “It’s been like this for 2 years or so, huh?” I said Yes. And nearly cried when he said “I understand why you’re proud of not losing your sanity.” No one has ever ever ever said they understand what we’re dealing with every day.

That was pretty much the end of our appointment. We now need to see the psychiatrist, Dr. M. Dr. C said we didn’t need to see him again since we were already seeing a psychologist but Brian and I talked it over and if we’re going to be going there to see Dr. M, and still need the psychologist we might as well see Dr. C.

After we left there we went to lunch and then Walmart. Santa happened to be there so Keith got to see Santa. He was so incredibly awful the entire time in Walmart. He wandered off every time you turned around. He didn’t pay attention to where he was walking and kept running into people. He stopped at every little thing that caught his eye. He couldn’t keep his hands off anything. It.was.awful. I was so glad to get home. I gave him his afternoon medicine and made him play in his room until it kicked in.

The receptionist should call me today to set up the appointment with the psychiatrist. I hope its soon.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

been a long time

Wow, I can't believe its been so long since I blogged.

I guess I just haven't had anything new to complain about. *shrug*

Keith has an appointment with a psychiatrist this Saturday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we all like him. We're seeing this guy because our primary doctor isn't comfortable continuing to manage his meds. And the psychologist he's been seeing, being a psychologist and not a psychiatrist, can't prescribe meds.

Please let this be the doctor that can help us.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

What happened to us?

My husband asked me this question last night after the biggest screaming fight we've ever had. And I have no clue. I don't know what's happening to us.

I do know between financial problems and Keith's behavioral problems, I'm so stressed out I feel like I'm going crazy most days. I know those things are affecting our marriage.

I'm resentful towards Brian because he has his bowling league once a week. And I don't feel that he contributes a fair share towards the household chores. I've asked him to help out more. He feels he's doing plenty, he tells me.

He's been so irritable and grumpy lately. I'm not the only one that's noticed it. Everyone has been asking me what's wrong with Brian? I have no clue. When I asked him about it he said he wasn't aware that he was grumpy.

Last nights fight started before we even got home from Keith's therapy appointment. I stopped to pick Caleb up from Mom and Dad's and Brian pulled halfway down our driveway, then stopped to yell at me about whether I was coming right home. I couldn't hear him so he squealed his tires all the way up the drive to come to where I could hear him. We went home and it was 83* in the house. He didn't turn the a/c on before he left because *he* thought it wasn't all that hot. It was nearly 90* outside yesterday and we have no shade around our house. I hate being hot so it made me extremely irritated.

Then we started in fighting with Keith to do a time out b/c he pushed Caleb. That's always good for some arguing between Brian and me. Then I noticed that the clothes still hung out on the clothesline. Oh except for Caleb's sneakers. Brian got those off the clothesline but left all the other DRY clothes behind. And the sink was FULL of dirty dishes. I should clarify that Brian didn't have to work yesterday and I did.

Now, I don't expect a whole lot, I really don't. But if you're home most of the day and there are things that need done, DO THEM! Well, apparantly, since he ran the vaccum, cleaned the litter box and did laundry on Saturday morning so the house was clean for people to use for the wedding (which they never did! GRRR) while I was "off playing with the girls, getting my hair done", that was good enough.........forever apparantly.

So I don't know what's happening to my marriage but its not so nice right now.

Monday, October 08, 2007

same old, same old

I know I haven't blogged in a while. There really isn't much to say. Work is work, school is still going great for Keith, he's seeing a therapist, we're still struggling but we'll make it, I guess.

My sister got married this past weekend. Keith and I were both in the wedding.

That's it, I guess. *shrug*

Friday, September 14, 2007

School days again!

School started on September 4th. Keith was very very excited and was so happy to be back to school! Go figure! LOL

I hadn't heard a word yet from his teacher so I assumed things were going fine but that little nagging voice inside wouldn't shut up.

I emailed the teacher yesterday and this is what she had to say....

Keith is doing fine. He is a very nice boy and has a lot of good things to contribute to discussions-especially if we are talking about snakes!!!

YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! After all of the negative emails I got last year, it was such a relief to get this!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

You said what?!

My mother and I are very close. We get along very well. In fact, we live pretty much next door to my parents. The boys spend alot of time with them and Keith LOVES to do things with Papa.

It's rare when Mom and I have words so when we do it really bothers me.

Mom and Dad watched the boys while Brian and I met with Keith's new therapist last night. I called Mom when we got done and she said that Keith was not having a good night and had been having a bad tantrum. After we got home and Mom went home herself, I was talking to her on the phone. She told me that if Keith told me she has said some mean things, she had. Ummm okay. She said she told him that he was not allowed to come to their house again if he couldn't learn to control himself.

I was totally horrified! How awful to tell a child that has problems like Keith that he can't come back to his grandparents house until he can control his tantrums. And I told her so. I told her that was the most ignorant, awful thing she could have ever said to the poor kid, who has control problems. To which she told me she thinks he can control his tantrums, he just choses not to. What the fuck?!

I chose to end the conversation before I totally lost my temper.

I'm very disappointed in the way she handled Keith last night.

In other news, we really liked the therapist! Keith's first appointment is on Sept. 17th. "Dr. John" said that he wants to do Developmental Play Therapy with Keith. Keith will love that! LOL

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Round 2

After increasing Keith's dose of Strattera, every little thing made him totally uncontrollable and hysterical. I picked up a prescription for Adderall yesterday. Hope this one is better.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

oh so hard

I wish I could say things were much better with Keith. I wish that so much. They're not. We're still trying to find the right medicine/dosage. I've set up an appointment with a therapist. I'm doing my best but oh God, this is so hard.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Happy Birthday, Ryan

I'm thinking of Sherry and Mike today on Ryan's 2nd birthday.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

What a long week!

Oh my goodness, its been quite a week.

After Brian's ER visit, I managed to get him seen by the urologist yesterday instead of today. They do not think that they can break the kidney stone up enough that it can pass on its own. Surgery is tomorrow! Yikes! He'll have to stay overnight but he recovery time is very short and he should be back to work on Monday.

I had an appointment yesterday with the OBGYN to discuss have a tubal ligation. We are done having children. We are so blessed to have the two beautiful boys we have. This decision bittersweet for me. I'm choosing to end my childbearing while so many others are struggling to begin their families or expand their families. The OB gave me two options. The traditional tubal ligation, which means surgery, etc. Or a newer procedure called Essure . This is non-invasive and is done right in the doctors office. This is what I've decided to do so hopefully it will be done next month.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

So far so good

Keith hasn't had any adverse effects from the Strattera. The first couple of days it made him pretty sleepy and upset his stomach slightly but that has stopped. It has seem to calm him down a bit. The only problem is in the evenings when it wears off you can't stand to be around him because he's SO wired and difficult. That may warrant some discussion with the doctor as to what to do about that.

In other news, I'm SO upset and saddened by Kristin's latest blog posts but I'm going to hold onto that tiny glimmer of hope for as long as I can.

Also, I spent the day in the Emergency Room with Brian yesterday. He started having stomach and back pain on Sunday afternoon and it got much worse yesterday. It seems he has a rather large kidney stone. He sees the urologist on Thursday and we're hoping to get it taken care of ASAP!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Strattera, Day One

After much discussion and much soul searching, Brian and I have decided to try Keith on some medication.

His hyperactivity is bad. He simply cannot sit still or stand still or lay still. He is in constant motion. Which interfers horribly with his ability to listen. He can't focus on what you're saying because he has to move.

So today is day one of him taking Strattera . I hope we'll hit it lucky and we'll get great results from this. If not, we'll try something else.

He understands what this medicine is for and he seems very willing to take it. I hope that continues!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Check this announcement out on Certainly Not Cool Enough to Blog !

I am sooooooooo excited for Kristin and her Beloved! Congratulations to them both!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Happy Birthday, Keith!

6 years ago at this time, I was in early labor! Hard to believe that much time has passed.

Keith's birthday party was last Sunday. Here's some pics for your viewing pleasure!

I was so proud of myself.........I decorated the cake myself!

Thursday, July 05, 2007


Hard to believe its been almost 6 months since I quit smoking! Yay me! ;-)

Now if I could just get rid of this 15 pounds I gained when I quit, I'd be happier. Why is it so easy to put on and so hard to get off?!

I get really discouraged because I'm not seeing any results. I've been walking several times a week and really trying to watch what I eat...............and nothing. I yo-yo up and down 1 pound.

We have a new babysitter. Actually it's the same babysitter from last summer. She's a flake and tends to be a bit unreliable but the boys like her and her son doesn't hit mine so we'll manage for now.

Keith's 6th birthday is coming up. Where have those 6 years gone? We still struggle with him daily. He's got an attitude that I can't get out of him and he just won't listen. I don't know how much of it is normal behavior or if it isn't at all. I don't have another 6 year old to compare him to! At this point, we're just plugging along. My plan of action is to wait until school starts again and see what his 1st grade teacher has to say about his behaviour and activity level and go from there. I'm hoping for miracles to happen with him over the summer. Keep your fingers crossed.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

still struggling

Things are not good with our babysitter and we are actively searching for a new one. We're not having any luck though.

I'm still struggling with my feelings on wanting to be home. I pray each day for something to work so that I can. I think there are probably ways that it could work but I don't know if they would be the right thing to do. It doesn't seem that its morally correct to accept public assistance just to be home with my kids but what's more important than my kids health and well-being? I'd gladly sell my organs right now if I could make sure they are well cared for during the day.

It's not just the babysitter issues. I've been at my current job for just over 6 years. The girl immediately before me was here for 5 years. The one before her was here for over 40 years and it showed. The woman was a tyrant. See, I do the accounts receivable at my company. This means I am the one that deals with all the people complaining about their bills, all the people trying to get out of paying their bills, etc. Of course, I also send out the bills and other stuff but the complaining/collections part of my job really really really sucks. And that is a big portion of my job.

When my alarm goes off in the morning, I get up pissed off because I have to go to work.

It's sucked something out of me. I see the worst in everyone immediately. I don't have sympathy for people anymore. I go through the motions and words of expressing empathy and sympathy but its not there.

I don't like the person I've become.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Mommy guilt

We all have it, don't we? Every single mommy feels guilty at some point, right?

I've been feeling increasingly guilty lately.

Keith is again having problems at school. He's hit another child with his hat, with clay and now has pinched a classmate. He is no longer allowed to wear hats to school because he has been throwing them on the bus. He's been difficult at home too. He's seeing the counselor at school and I'm searching for one to continue some therapy during the summer. Something directed at HIM not our parenting styles or discipline. Granted, I'm not a perfect parent and I'm sure I do things wrong but Keith is the one that needs help learning to control his anger and impulses.

The new babysitter for Caleb is ehhh. She's complained the last couple of days that Caleb is not listening well. And she actually hinted around today that I should give her permission to spank him. I explained to her that he's 2, he's testing her and under no circumstances is she to spank MY child. *sigh*

It hit me last night when I was talking to a friend of mine. Both of her kids are in school and she works but she doesn't have to be to work until later in the morning. She mentioned that she worked with her daughter on some school stuff before it was time for her to go to school. I don't have time to do that. I have to be to work at 7am, which is before the bus picks Keith up. Thank heavens for my dad, who watches Keith for an hour before the bus comes. I get up, get ready for work, get Keith ready for school, get Caleb ready for the sitter and come to work. After work, I pick Caleb up, get Keith off the bus, cook dinner, clean up, try to do things around the house and by the time I get a moment to play with the kids its time for them to go to bed because they have to get up early every morning. Times this by 5 and there's the week. Weekends are spent catching up from the week.

Here comes the guilt. I feel like I'm cheating my kids. I wonder if things would be better with Keith if I'd been home with him instead of working and having him in daycare. I've missed so much of their lives already. Hours and hours every day I miss. I don't feel like I'm being the best mother I can be.

This never used to bother me. I'm not sure why it is now. I don't know why I'm yearning to be home. But it should be. Mothers should be able to raise their children. It's the right thing.

Why can't it be that way? What's wrong with society that women have to spend money to have other people raise their children because they have to work? That's so wrong.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I left my baby with a stranger!

Okay, its really not as bad as it sounds. I know the woman, but Caleb doesn't! I'm talking about the new babysitter. Today is Caleb's first day at her house. Fingers crossed that it goes okay.

The drop off this morning went okay. Brian has always been the one to drop him off at daycare so this is new for both of us. He was pretty reluctant and upset when we first went in but I got some pudding out of his bag and he waved bye bye to me so he could go eat his pudding.

I'm sure he'll be fine.


Monday, April 30, 2007

Back to work!

Hooray! Today is Brian's first day at his new job! I'm totally thrilled. :-)

It was a bit hectic this morning getting everyone ready. It's been a while since we've ALL had to get ready to leave the house! But we managed and we were even all on time to our respective places.

I can't wait to hear how his first day went.

We're meeting with a new babysitter tonight. We needed to find someone close to home since our daycare is in the opposite direction than Brian and I both are working now. It saddens me b/c we've used this same daycare since Keith was around 1 and a half. I really hope this new sitter works out. Not sure what we'll do if she doesn't!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Three things.......

I was tagged by Nicole to do this. Thanks, Nic, you really made me think about some of these!

Three things that scare me:
finances-not having enough money to provide for my family

Three people who make me laugh:
My dad

Three things I love:
my kids (of course!)
my husband (good thing these are in no particular order!)

Three things I hate:
SPIDERS! *shudder*
hypocritical people
my weight

Three things I don’t understand:
math (seriously, more than very simple math is totally beyond me)
how some people have no common sense
how all my money disappears so quickly

Three things on my desk:
Keith’s schoolwork from the last couple of days

Three things I’m doing right now:
typing this list ;-)
listening to the radio
procrastinating finishing my morning work

Three things I want do to before I die:
Travel overseas
get a tummy tuck
feel that I’ve raised my boys to be good people

Three things I can do:
crochet (okay, not very well)
read really fast

Three things I can’t do:
make gravy
draw a straight line

Three things I think you should listen to:
a baby laugh

Three things you should never listen to:
anyone that doesn’t have your best interests at heart
?? I’m stumped

Three things I’d like to learn:
ballroom dancing
to crochet better

Three favorite foods:
dark chocolate

Three shows I watched as a kid:
Sesame Street
Mr. Rogers
Full House

Three things I regret:
tying myself down to a boyfriend all through high school and not spending more time with my friends.
not becoming a veterinarian
taking time for granted

I tag Nina.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

And the years go by....

It's hard to believe that three years ago today my grandpa lost his fight with lung cancer. It was a blessing when he finally passed on. The last month or so was so hard on him and all of the family. But the couple of months before that were priceless gifts. He was pretty much bedridden but we all spent countless hours by his bed holding his hand and talking. Sadly enough, I was much closer to my grandfather when he was dying than the years before.

Also, amazingly enough my baby boy will be TWO tomorrow. When I got pregnant and realized my due date was mid-April, I knew that baby had been with Grandpa. I went into labor one year to the day that Grandpa died but Caleb (following his great-grandpa's stubborness!) held off until the next morning. His middle name is Dale, in honor of my grandpa. And darned if that boy doesn't remind us very often of Grandpa! LOL!

We had Caleb's birthday party this past weekend. Here are some highlights.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring is here!

I am so excited that warmer weather has finally arrived!!

It really lifts my spirits when you don't need to bundle everyone up to go outside for 10 minutes! Keith and I went for a nice walk on Saturday and on Sunday he played outside in the dirt and stones for a couple of hours.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

better days

I had an appointment last Friday with my doctor. The way I was feeling was getting out of hand. God love this woman, she's wonderful. She came into the exam room, handed me a box of tissues and said "talk to me." We had a long talk and she gave me a Rx for an anti-depressant and told me to take some time for myself! (when? I ask. LOL) So I'm looking forward to better days. I'm still broke and Brian still doesn't have a job but we'll manage somehow.

The boys are doing great. Keith is learning about time in school. He is fascinated! We had bought him a watch a long time ago but he didn't care anything about it until now. So we found it and he's been wearing it all week, even to bed. LOL! Last night, he wanted to know what time he has to get up in the mornings so he knew by looking at his watch that it was time to get up. I told him we'd get an alarm clock for him sometime and then we remembered we had an old one in the closet so we dug that out and put in his room with the alarm set to wake him up. He thought that was the coolest thing! And this morning, it went off, he turned it off and came right out and got ready for school. He's been doing REALLY well again getting ready in the mornings. There were a couple of mornings it was a fight again and I was really worried that it would continue but it hasn't.

Caleb is talking so much now. And talk about funny.....that kid cracks me up. But man, has he got an attitude! He still goes to daycare two days a week, at least for now. I hope we can keep him there those two days even if Brian doesn't find work right away. Caleb gets to watch WAY too much TV on the three days he's home with Daddy.

Now if I could just get Brian and Keith to get along. Oh my God, those two drive me nuts. They fight and bicker over EVERYTHING! I keep telling Brian that he's the adult and needs to start acting it but apparantly he's not listening. He is on Keith's ass for something all the time. I hope they both mellow as Keith gets older or they aren't going to have a very good relationship, I'm afraid.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

the good, the bad and the ugly

The good:
  • I have a home
  • I have a job
  • I have two healthy children
  • I am relatively healthy
  • I have a decent husband
  • My parents are both alive and well
  • I have a few friends

The bad:

  • As of Sunday, my husband no longer has a job
  • My oldest child is a major challenge
  • The exhaust is falling off my car
  • The 4 wheel drive in my car is not working properly
  • I'm broke..........again.
  • Keith has been invited to classmates birthday parties and he can't go because I can't afford to buy gifts and it makes me feel like a HORRIBLE mother.

The ugly:

  • My face is broke out like a 13 year olds
  • I have gained 10-12 pounds and feel like a fat fucking cow
  • I feel like a lunatic most days.

Monday, February 26, 2007

gee, wasn't that fun

*sigh* what a weekend.

Friday afternoon the school called me to come pick Keith up. He was crying b/c his ear hurt. Greaaaaaat! I managed to get him a doctor's appointment that afternoon. Mind you, the child had not complained about his ears hurting at all before Friday at school. Before we got to his appointment, his eardrum had burst from all the pressure so he was feeling alot better. He's got drops we have to put in his ear and he's got to go back in two weeks to make sure it healed good.

We checked with my MIL, who was supposed to watch the kids this weekend to make sure she didn't mind a sick one. Not a problem for her so we dropped the kids off and took off for our "reconnect" weekend.

We didn't do much Friday night just relaxed, had dinner. Saturday morning all hell broke loose. As I was stepping out of the shower, Brian was just coming back into the motel room, REEKING of cigarette smoke. I said something about it and he says, "yeah, I bought a pack". When I asked why he would do that after not having smoked for nearly 6 weeks, he tells me that he's been smoking for over a week.

What the fuck?! I flipped. Him smoking again is one thing but sneaking around, deceiving me? Oh, that is a whole 'nother bucket of worms! I was furious and I'm still pretty darn pissed off about it. We "discussed" it a bit right then and then we went about our shopping. It was a very uncomfortable, quiet day. Later on that afternoon, we got into it again. He thinks I'm over-reacting.

I don't think so at all. Its not a nice feeling to find out that the man I married is sneaky and deceitful. I'm really having a hard time with that. The smoking is NOTHING at this point.

So it was an awful weekend and then I get home and Caleb is now sick also.

Just gimme a freakin' break already!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

what's new with us.

Keith got his cast off today! We've been counting down the days, let me tell you. We had our mid year conference with his teacher on Friday. I was so nervous! It went really well. She said he had made a lot of improvement since the beginning of the year, academically and socially. He is still pretty hyper but that's Keith....he is hyper. Whaddya gonna do, ya know? Yeah, maybe he could be ADHD, but its not severe and he can sit and concentrate on what he needs to do, he just has to wiggle around to do it. LOL! But she said she thought he would be more than ready for 1st grade which was a load off of my mind.

What's new with Caleb? Caleb, Caleb, Caleb.......well he won't sleep through the night. For the last month or more, he's been getting up 2, 3, 4, sometimes 5 times a night. I *think* its seperation anxiety. I don't know why he wakes up but once he does, he gets scared b/c he's alone. I think. I even took him to the doctor to make sure there was nothing wrong with him. It's getting very very old, this getting up during the night. Thankfully, since Brian isn't working, he's been doing the majority of it, but I still am awake when Caleb starts to scream. *sigh*

This too shall pass, this too shall pass, this too shall pass.

Brian and I are going away this weekend, just the two of us. We need it desperately. I've begun noticing that I've been distancing myself from him. It's been a rough few months and I tend to isolate myself when I'm having problems. We need time to reconnect. I can't wait!

Friday, February 09, 2007


I can't apologize for my feelings. They are honest feelings and I can't change them. I am so very lucky to have carried in my body and given birth to two healthy children, I know that. Too many women haven't been able to have what I do.

But every day lately I question why God has decided that I should be the one to shape and raise these two stubborn, strong willed boys. On top of that, I wonder why he tests my strength and sanity at every other turn in everything else I do.

Keith has gotten better than he used to be, don't get me wrong. But every day is still a struggle. I get so tired of it. And you know the old adage "learn by example". Yeah, that's what Caleb is doing. I've tried explaining to Keith that he's the big brother. The way he acts helps to shape the way Caleb acts. That apparantly has done no good. Why why why why why can't he just LISTEN? Just one day I would love for him to do what I ask. Even half a day. I want a day where I don't have to get after him for something.

And my husband. Lord knows I love him but he drives me crazy too. In the 6 or 7 years we've been together, he's had 6 or 7 different jobs. Apparantly he can't find one that suits him. Well, ya know what, I don't always like my fucking job either but hey, guess what I'm an adult. That means being responsible and doing things I don't like doing. So grow up and take some responsibility for yourself.

And clean the fucking litter box please. I'm getting sick of smelling it. It will really piss me off if I have to clean it.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

sickness, broken bones and more bad luck!

You know that old saying, if I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all? Yup, that's me! Seriously.

Brian was laid off from his job the beginning of January. No big deal, we thought, he'll sign up for unemployment. He did and was denied because he didn't earn enough wages in the right time period......whatever. So we are surviving on my income which just doesn't cut it. Saturday, the 20th, Keith spent the night with my MIL. Sunday morning around 10, Brian called her to see what time we should pick him up and we were informed that he had fallen off the couch Saturday night and was STILL complaining that his wrist hurt. After calling my mom to come watch Caleb, we picked Keith up and took him to the Emergency Room. After waiting and waiting and waiting and getting X-rays, the doctor says "Yup, he broke it." Thank God its his left wrist is all I gotta say! They splinted it and put him in a sling until Monday when we saw an orthopedist who casted it. I was FURIOUS with my MIL for not calling me. Brian didn't really see why. What the fuck?!

Monday night, Keith started running a bit of a fever but was okay then next morning so I sent him to school. When he got home that afternoon, he was running a hellish fever and was still Wednesday morning. He did not complain that he didn't feel good, just that he had a headache. So I kept him home and took him to the doctor. He had SEVERE tonsilitis and was not allowed back to school until this Monday.

Man, what a unlucky time we've had of it. I've got my fingers crossed that it gets MUCH better soon!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Day 2

Yesterday, ended up being our quit day.

All is going great, actually! I feel good, no horrible cravings. :-)

Seriously I think anyone wanting to quit smoking should look into Chantix. It really really does eliminate the cravings. The only problem is breaking the actual habit of lifting that ciggie to your mouth.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Time flies

Has it really so long since I blogged? Wow, time sure does fly when you work and have kids and tons of other things going on.

Let's see......what's happened in those three months....

Caleb got tubes in his ears and his adenoids removed on Dec. 9th. The surgery went well and he just had his checkup on Tuesday. Everything is looking good. He has had a cold since the end of Dec and his one ear is draining alot. At least the tubes are doing their job that way!

Keith is doing great in school. He still loves it! :-)

Christmas was good, the kids got way too many toys, of course.

I guess the biggest news of the new year is Brian and I are going to quit smoking. We've started taking Chantix, a new drug that blocks the receptors in the brain that respond to nicotine. We're on Day 5, with our quit date slated to be Monday, Jan. 15th.

I am going to make an effort to blog more often, I promise!