Monday, February 26, 2007

gee, wasn't that fun

*sigh* what a weekend.

Friday afternoon the school called me to come pick Keith up. He was crying b/c his ear hurt. Greaaaaaat! I managed to get him a doctor's appointment that afternoon. Mind you, the child had not complained about his ears hurting at all before Friday at school. Before we got to his appointment, his eardrum had burst from all the pressure so he was feeling alot better. He's got drops we have to put in his ear and he's got to go back in two weeks to make sure it healed good.

We checked with my MIL, who was supposed to watch the kids this weekend to make sure she didn't mind a sick one. Not a problem for her so we dropped the kids off and took off for our "reconnect" weekend.

We didn't do much Friday night just relaxed, had dinner. Saturday morning all hell broke loose. As I was stepping out of the shower, Brian was just coming back into the motel room, REEKING of cigarette smoke. I said something about it and he says, "yeah, I bought a pack". When I asked why he would do that after not having smoked for nearly 6 weeks, he tells me that he's been smoking for over a week.

What the fuck?! I flipped. Him smoking again is one thing but sneaking around, deceiving me? Oh, that is a whole 'nother bucket of worms! I was furious and I'm still pretty darn pissed off about it. We "discussed" it a bit right then and then we went about our shopping. It was a very uncomfortable, quiet day. Later on that afternoon, we got into it again. He thinks I'm over-reacting.

I don't think so at all. Its not a nice feeling to find out that the man I married is sneaky and deceitful. I'm really having a hard time with that. The smoking is NOTHING at this point.

So it was an awful weekend and then I get home and Caleb is now sick also.

Just gimme a freakin' break already!!

1 comment:

Erin said...
