Monday, September 29, 2008


We've enrolled Caleb in daycare/preschool four days a week. My parents will watch him on Mondays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays a friend of mine whose daughter attends this same daycare will take Caleb with her. Yay! for good friends. Wednesdays and Fridays my dad has offered to take Caleb to daycare. Yay! for good daddys!

It's going to put an even bigger strain on our budget but I honestly didn't have much choice when I tried to call M on Friday with a question and found her telephone disconnected. Wouldn't have been a big deal but we live in the land of no cell service and she has NO neighbors. What do you suppose she would have done in an emergency???

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wishing time away

I hate to do that but I can't wait for Caleb to go to school.

Once again, we're having babysitter issues. GAH! M gave us two days notice that she can no longer watch C on Wednesday's because she's joined a bowling league that bowls Wed. afternoons. *rolling eyes* Gee, that's great.

We're searching for a solution.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The results

So having time to read and digest the report from the neuropsych, here are the main points.

Keith is above average in intelligence, he just doesn't have the capablity to focus long enough to reach his full potention.

The offical diagnosis is:

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder – Combined Type
Adjustment Reaction with Mixed Disturbance of Emotions and Conduct

The first one...well, we knew that. The second one...umm I have no clue! LOL

But the doctor gave us some great tips and tricks to do to help Keith.

I've also contacted the Department of Special Education at school to start the evaluation process for an Individual Education Plan (IEP) so he doesn't get lost in the system.

Speaking of school, it starts next Tuesday and I.can't.wait!! This summer has been difficult for us all because Keith needs so much structure to his day and its just not been possible. He gets very bored and then acts out.

It's hard to believe summer is nearly over. It's gone by so quickly.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Oh my

I know, I probably want an update, right? I just don't have it in me right now. So.much.information!

So I want to give you a bit of eye candy to start off your weekend.

Check out Olympic swimmer, Michael Phelps....

Can you say Holy hot? ;-)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Waiting and summer days

That's where we are right now, justing waiting.

What are we waiting on, you ask? Well, on July 30th Keith had a 2 hour neuropsychological evaluation. We get the results of that on August 12th.

Brian twisted his knee a couple of months ago and it was still bothering him so I made him see our doctor. An MRI revealed two tears. One in the tendon attaching his knee to his lower leg and and ACL tear. GREAT! (Hear the sarcasm?) So we wait for an appointment with a specialist (August 29). We're hoping that we can hold off major treatment until after Brian is laid off in December. We'll see, I guess.

Last Friday night we set up a borrowed tent in the backyard. We had a campfire and made S'mores then crawled into our tent for the night. This was a test run, you see. I wanted to make sure that the boys would settle fairly well to sleep in a tent before we went off camping somewhere. I needn't have worried. They talked for about 15 minutes and dropped off to sleep.

Guess we'll be okay to go camping! I hope we can find time for it yet this summer!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

It's my life too?

The title of my blog is a lie. It doesn't feel like its my life too. I feel totally consumed (not in a good way) with worry about my kids, especially Keith, and worry about money.

I don't know who *I* am. I know its important to make time for myself but how? How am I supposed to take the time and money to do something for myself without feeling guilty? The money should be used elsewhere...not on me.

I guess I'll figure it out someday, right?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pros and Cons

There are big pros and cons to living close to your family. We live very near to my parents. This has enabled my boys to have a fantastic, close relationship with them. They have been of tremendous help to us in many many ways. And we are very grateful for all their help.

This, however, seems to have made my Mom think that she can meddle in our lives and say things to me that you wouldn't think anyone would *ever* say to someone's face.

I have pretty much been able to shrug these things off....until last night. She made a very very ignorant remark about my husband. I hung up on her and haven't spoken with her since.

She has been at times very detrimental to any progress we make with Keith. She coddles him. Not that I think that children shouldn't be coddled a bit now and then but every time he gets in trouble for something while she's there, she baby's him. Frustrating, don't you think?

I love my parents. My dad doesn't normally have a lot to say...Mom makes up for it, I guess.

Unfortunately, this has shown me that we need create a bit of distance with them. And I need to set some ground rules for dealing with Keith. He's MY son. And its time she realizes it is none of her business how I handle my son and how he is punished.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Anyone still out there?

Yeah, I know...its been too long. Life has gotten in the way.

Stay tuned, I'll try harder.