Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Seasons of change...new friends...old friends

I've been struggling lately with the sense that one of my friendships is changing. J and I have been friends for a very long time. We became friends 15 years ago when I started dating her brother. That relationship ended long ago but J and I remained constant.

A few years ago, a new family moved into the area and became involved with our fire company and there ended up being a HUGE falling out between them and some members of the company, J and her extended family included. I, however, remained friendly with the new family, H and D. Last fall, H offered to transport Caleb to daycare along with her daughter. I was and still am very appreciative of this! This really really helps us out a ton!

Just lately, H and I have been becoming even better friends. We've discovered we have a lot in common. Both of our oldest children have ADHD. We have the same taste in music. The same sense of humor. We're on the same wavelength ALOT. And our families mesh really well. Brian and D get along very well. Our kids get along very well. So we've been hanging out with them quite a bit lately.

Even before that though, I've felt my friendship with J drifting. We still talk occasionally. I still see her at the fire station and other places. But its not the same. We don't hang out. Our families don't hang out together. Their family dynamic is so much different than ours. Her husband, T, doesn't spend a lot of time with the family as a whole. He is more worried about doing what he wants to do when he wants to do it. They don't often do family activities. And if they do, J and T are often not speaking. They have a very rocky relationship sometimes so its uncomfortable to be around them.

It saddens me. I love J, she's been a big part of my life for a long time...but its different now.

Change is hard.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

'Tis the T-ball season

And lordy, does it frustrate me!

We all know Keith has the attention span of a gnat but come on! All we (and the coaches!) do is tell him to pay attention, stand up, stop kicking dirt....rinse, repeat. ARGH!

And this has only been at practice. Their first game is Thursday.

Brian took Keith to practice last night and Keith kicked a little boy! What.the.fuck?! Said the kid was bugging him and kicked him. Now, no one else that was there saw the kid touch Keith.

Evenings have gotten increasingly harder. I know its because his meds are all worn off by then and I hate to give him another booster late in the day but I'm so irritated with this stuff.