Thursday, April 26, 2007

Three things.......

I was tagged by Nicole to do this. Thanks, Nic, you really made me think about some of these!

Three things that scare me:
finances-not having enough money to provide for my family

Three people who make me laugh:
My dad

Three things I love:
my kids (of course!)
my husband (good thing these are in no particular order!)

Three things I hate:
SPIDERS! *shudder*
hypocritical people
my weight

Three things I don’t understand:
math (seriously, more than very simple math is totally beyond me)
how some people have no common sense
how all my money disappears so quickly

Three things on my desk:
Keith’s schoolwork from the last couple of days

Three things I’m doing right now:
typing this list ;-)
listening to the radio
procrastinating finishing my morning work

Three things I want do to before I die:
Travel overseas
get a tummy tuck
feel that I’ve raised my boys to be good people

Three things I can do:
crochet (okay, not very well)
read really fast

Three things I can’t do:
make gravy
draw a straight line

Three things I think you should listen to:
a baby laugh

Three things you should never listen to:
anyone that doesn’t have your best interests at heart
?? I’m stumped

Three things I’d like to learn:
ballroom dancing
to crochet better

Three favorite foods:
dark chocolate

Three shows I watched as a kid:
Sesame Street
Mr. Rogers
Full House

Three things I regret:
tying myself down to a boyfriend all through high school and not spending more time with my friends.
not becoming a veterinarian
taking time for granted

I tag Nina.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Yeah you did it !!! It does really make you think deep doesnt it?