Monday, June 19, 2006

busy busy

We had a pretty busy weekend. Now I need two days off so I can actually have a weekend. LOL

Friday night I dropped the boys off at my MIL's for the night so Brian and I could go grocery shopping. hmmm, I wonder if most people take their kids with them grocery shopping? Well, anyway, we don't normally because we live an hour from Wal-mart and the grocery store so by the time you hit both of those places and get home it takes 5 or 6 hours. Uh uh, just not gonna make those kids suffer that long, sitting in carts. So, they stayed at my MIL's Friday night. We didn't get home from grocery shopping until 12:20 am. Ugh.

Saturday morning bright and early we got up to gather up unwanted junk we had around the house to take to the dumpster that the township brings in once a year. 3 pick up loads later, we were done with that project! Really, it wasn't all our junk tho, some was Mom and Dad's. Seriously, it was! We also picked up a lawn mower that Brian is trying to get running. Its just like his old one so he'll be able to use it for parts if nothing else. I took a half hour nap, got a shower, ran to pick the boys up and went to my best friend, J's little girl E's 6th birthday party.

Wow, talk about hot. There wasn't much shade either. Whew! Caleb started getting cranky after about an hour and a half so he and I went home for nap time. Keith ended up spending the whole night with E. Those two are SO cute! They are bestest friends, Keith tells me. :-)

Ahhh, finally some down time, after Caleb went to bed, I just relaxed. Then Sunday there was laundry and cleaning and more laundry. Yesterday afternoon we got Keith's slip and slide out for him to play with then him and my mom got in the pool for a little while. Caleb would have loved to have gotten in the pool. I dangled him down in and he loved it! Hopefully, they will get the pool totally cleared up and we can really use it.

So I'm exhausted today, its just not fair that I have to work 5 days and only get 2 off!

1 comment:

Kori said...

Yes, I usually take the kids with me grocery shopping, but we only live 3 minutes away from our shops. Zach gets mad if I don't wait for him to go to the grocery store because he has friends who give him treats there LOL.

But YIKES on the schedule which you shop to...

Sounds like you had a really productive weekend. I love getting stuff done, but I hate looking back and realizing I didn't breathe LOL.